
Meet the Team

Ciara is a Senior Yoga Teacher with additional qualifications in pregnancy and postnatal yoga and pranayama, (breathwork.) Ciara teaches for charities, workplaces and privates for individuals looking to delve deeper into their practice and private events. She also runs UK and international retreats.
Work With Ciara

Ciara Brennan Watson



Rehana leads mindfulness classes and courses. Her intention is to share the practices that help her so profoundly in managing stress, building resilience and feeling happy.

Rehana Rafiq Lee


Tanya teaches hatha and restorative classes based on traditional sequencing combined with elements of somatic awareness and enquiry based movement.

Tanya Fairtlough


Felicity is a Kiwi mama of two little yogis living and working in London. Felicity has a range of teaching styles from dynamic and powerful through to fluid, grounding and finding stillness.

Felicity Wright


Sana is an educator and holistic therapist with the Sound Healing Academy, holding two Diplomas herself in 1-2-1 sound healing, and sound healing for groups.

Sana Bokhari

Charlotte has half marathoned, mud run, ultra’d, relay raced, circuit trained, hit the gym and done outdoor fitness. She believes that yoga can enhance sports and fitness training and also give you a well-deserved change of pace. Charlotte has a deep connection to the history and philosophy of yoga and you will find these elements woven into her classes.

Charlotte Chapman


For Josie, yoga is about connection. Connection to yourself, connection to each other and connection of the mind, body and soul. That is why feeling comfortable without judgement in her classes is so important to her. And if we can all have some fun doing it, even better!

Josie Coetser


Chelsey is a dedicated and passionate pilates and yoga teacher. Her aim is to help people experience their transformative power for peace and balance in everyday life.

Chelsey Elisa


Teaching yoga changed Danai’s world view and the relationship with herself and others. Danai teaches accessible yoga classes that enable practitioners to connect with their bodies and inner self. Danai also works in communications and knows first hand how fast paced and demanding everyday working life can be. This is why she is passionate about helping people to slow down, carve some time out of a busy day and reconnect with their body and mind.

Danai Papadimitriou
